Have you found a position that appeals to you? Then send us your application. We have summarised some tips for you:
Cover letter
Make us curious. Tell us in a cover letter:
Curriculum Vitae
Show us where you have been.
Tell us:
Show us some proof for your qualifications.
Include any document - ideally in one file - that is relevant for the position you are applying for, such as:
What has to be included
What can be included
What must not be included
Please send us not more than three attachments in a standard file format (.docx, .pdf, .jpg) and a maximum size of 10 MB
Show us your personality. Please send your application by e-mail to:
HR department
Ana Laps
Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 15
86899 Landsberg am Lech
Phone: +49 8191 479 140
jobs (at) veit.de